Why were piano keys once white and black – and why did they reverse?

Why are piano keys black and white? And when did they change?

A 150-year-old Beethoven symphony helped to invent the CD.

A CD can hold exactly 74 minutes of music, thanks to Beethoven

Beethoven - Symphony No. 9 in D minor ('Choral')

The remarkable story of Beethoven’s ‘Choral’ Symphony No. 9 and the ‘Ode to Joy’

Laufey, the genre-defying musician bringing classical and jazz music to Gen Z.

Who is Laufey? The genre-defying singer-songwriter bringing classical and jazz to Gen Z

Beethoven reincarnated by visual artist using composer’s life mask for first time

Ultra-realistic image of Beethoven created by visual artist using composer’s own life mask

Beethoven's great choral anthem is based on a poem by Friedrich Schiller

What are the lyrics to ‘Ode to Joy’ from Beethoven’s Symphony No.9?